Search for listings in Agent Portal

I want to find a listing in Agent Portal

Sure thing. Let’s take a quick look at how to find listings in Agent Portal.

I’m an Agent and want to search for my own listings

Login to Agent Portal and click My Sales



Scroll down to find the listing you’re after.


I have Office Manager access and want to search for other team members listings

The key to finding a listing in Agent Portal is knowing who the assigned agent is. Only Office Manager team members will be able to search.

  1. Once you know who the agent is, login to Agent Portal and click My Agency to see Current Staff.


  2. The Current Staff list has a column in the middle for ‘Sales’ and ‘Rentals’.

    If there is a number next to one of the letters this is to show how many listings the agent has for that category.

    The number will link to all live listings assigned to that agent, including any sold/leased and withdrawn from the last 4 weeks.


  3. Scroll down to find the assigned agent and click the number.


  4. Scroll down to find the listing you’re after. Click Edit to see the listing details.



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