Update email preferences, notification settings & unsubscribe

How can I update my email preferences or unsubscribe from emails?

To update your email preferences login to Allhomes.com.au and click your account drop-down menu, then click Account details, or on the app tap More, then Notification Settings

We’ll show you how to:

    1. Unsubscribe from emails from Allhomes
    2. Update email preferences
    3. Update notification settings
    4. Re-subscribe to emails from Allhomes

Email preferences and notification preferences are the same thing. Email preferences are found via the Allhomes website and notification preferences are in the app.


Click Unsubscribe

The easiest way to unsubscribe from Allhomes emails is to click Unsubscribe at the bottom of an email you’ve received. Scroll to the bottom of any email and click Unsubscribe.



Unsubscribe or re-subscribe via your preferences or notification settings

If you don't have an email handy to click Unsubscribe, or have unsubscribed and would like to re-subscribe, you can manage your subscriptions settings via email preferences on the website or notification settings on the Allhomes app.


I’m using the app I’m using the website

  1. Once you’re signed in to the app, tap More.


  2. Tap Notification Settings.


  3. Select which notifications you’d like to receive.


 All done!

Your email preferences and notifications settings have been updated.

If you have any feedback about this article please let us know in the comments.
If you need further assistance from our Support Team contact us via the Support icon during business hours.

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