Enable access for new development child listings

How can I get or give edit access to manage child listings?

You can activate access to new development child listings via the Staff Details page in Allhomes Agent Portal.

If you need to create, edit or manage child listings in Agent Portal you’ll need to have New Dev Child Management access enabled. A team member with Office Manager access can enable child listing management for you.

Only team members with Office Manager access can provide access to other team members.

If you have Office Manager permissions enabled, follow the steps below to activate child listing management for other team members.



  1. Login to Agent Portal and click My Agency.


  2. Click the agent’s name you’d like to enable access for.


  3. Scroll down to the Permissions section and tick New Dev Child Management.


  4. Scroll to the bottom and click Save.



You have now enabled New Dev Child Management access for your team member.


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